CPD: Translating Corporate Crisis CommunicationsDecember 2021CPDUnder the radar — Translating Corporate Crisis Communications A webinar hosted by the ITIA, in cooperation…Find out more
CPD: Two events on Machine Translation Post-editingJune 2021CPDTwo events on Machine Translation Post-editing 1) All you need to know about MT post-editing Saturday…Find out more
CPD: Translation – Specializing in Corporate Social ResponsibilityMay 2021CPDCPD at the ITIA, in cooperation with SFT and FIT Europe Translation: Specializing in Corporate Social…Find out more
CPD: Audiovisual TranslationJanuary 2021CPDWebinar on Audiovisual Translation: Don’t you just watch movies all day Saturday, 20 February 2021, from…Find out more
CPD: Getting to Grips with GDPRJanuary 2021CPDSaturday, 16 January 2021, from 11 am to 1 pm, on Zoom. Registration required. It’s been…Find out more
CPD: Succeeding as a freelance translatorJune 2020CPDFree online events for ITIA members: During these talks ITIA professional member David Graham will talk…Find out more