How to use a tablet for consecutive note-taking


A webinar with Josh Goldsmith

Your tablet is great for reading the news, answering emails, and researching assignments. Have you ever thought about using it for consecutive note-taking?

In this interactive 90-minute online workshop, we’ll cover:

• Why digital notes outshine pen and paper
• How to take notes on your tablet
• Which hardware, software and apps work best for consecutive interpreting

Are you ready to take your notes into the 21st century?

Josh is a UN and EU accredited translator and interpreter working from Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Catalan into English. He splits his time between interpreting, translating, and working as a trainer and researcher focusing on the intersection between interpreting, technology and education. As Founder and Chief Educational Officer of techforword, Josh shares tips about technology, translation and interpreting in conferences and workshops, academic articles, as co-host of the Innovation in Translation and Innovation in Interpreting Summits, and at techforword insiders, the premiere online community for tech-savvy language professionals.

Tuesday, 18 October 2022, 4 pm to 5.30 pm Irish time/17 – 18.30 CET

Free for members of the ITIA.
€30 for members of other FIT associations
€50 for all others

To register:    
Please send an email to
ITIA Members: please include your membership number
Members of other FIT associations: please include the name of your association
and, where applicable, your membership number

This event will be recorded and accessible for two weeks after the link is made available

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