Co-founder of the Irish Translators’ Association in 1986 (now the ATII) and translator into and out of French, especially of poetry by Irish poets.
ATII Honorary Members
Literary correspondent of the Irish Times and champion of literature translated into English. († 2018)
Professor at Trinity College Dublin, head of Centre for Deaf Studies, Deaf Studies scholar.
Spanish-English translator of, among others, Miguel de Cervantes, Gabriel García Márquez, Mario Vargas Llosa and Carlos Fuentes. († 2023)
Giuliana Zeuli
Translator of Roddy Doyle, Catherine Dunne, Bernard MacLaverty and Irvine Welsh, former chairperson of the ATII executive committee.
French-English and Spanish-English translator of Michel Houellebecq, Boualem Sansal and Alonso Cueto.
Monsignor Pádraig Ó Fiannachta
Translator and editor of Irish translation of the Bible in Irish published in 1982. († 2016)
Michael Cronin
Professor at Dublin City University, member of the Royal Irish Academy, Translation Studies scholar.
Professor of Italian at Trinity College Dublin, translator of the Decameron into English, founding member of the Irish Translators’ Association.
Translator of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone and other works into Irish, former chairperson of the ITIA.
Jin Di
Translator into Chinese of Ulysses by James Joyce. († 2008)
Translator into German of works by Paul Muldoon, Scott Fitzgerald, Maeve Brennan.
Seán Mac Mathghamhna
Translator of poetry into Irish. († 2008)
Nicholas J.A. Williams
Translator of the New Testament from Greek to Cornish.
Helen Campbell
Conference interpreter and interpreter trainer at the Directorate General for Interpretation at the European Commission.
Micheál Ó Cearúil
Translator from English to Irish.
Lar Cassidy
Member of Arts Council, supporter of translation of poetry. († 1997)
Actress, singer, translator of songs by Brecht and Weill into English. († 1999)
Rosangela Barone
Brian Gormley
One of the first translators to work in localisation.
John F. Deane
Founding member of the Irish Translators’ Association, poet and translator of poetry.