ATII Bulletin

The ATII Bulletin is an e-zine published by the ATII, bringing you news, articles and lot more from the world of translation and interpreting.

Contributions always welcome! To contribute to the ATII Bulletin, please write to the editor, Anne Larchet at:

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June 2005
  • Irish becomes an EU working language – John Kearns
  • CEN draft standard on translation services – Miriam Lee
  • WinLexic 2005
  • The Courts Service Interpreting Tender – Mary Phelan
  • Distance translator training at University of Vic, Spain
May 2005
(link to follow)
  • Man Booker International Prize for Translators
  • A word on clo(a)king
  • Interpreters and the courts – Mary Phelan
  • A (Chartered) Institute of Linguists
April 2005
  • Jin Di becomes honorary member of ITIA – John Kearns
  • Conference report: second international postgraduate translation studies conference – John Kearns
March 2005
  • Software: ManualMaker
  • New Voices in Translation Studies
  • Translation Studies Abstracts/ Bibliography of Translation Studies
  • Inttranews
February 2005
  • Jin Di in Ireland – the Chinese translator of Ulysses
  • Conference on Interpreting and translating at court and for public authorities – Liese Katschinka
January 2005
  • Traductio ad absurdum – Henry Grodsk
  • A brief reply to Henry Grodsk – John Kearns
  • European award for languages in Ireland – the language label
  • FIT news – progress on projects
  • Babelport

Please note: Due to a data privacy issue, some ATII Bulletins for 2012 and earlier years have been redacted.

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